Web Development

How to use WooCommerce

How To Use WooCommerce

Here’s a full list of fields in the array passed to woocommerce_checkout_fields:

  • Billing
    • billing_first_name
    • billing_last_name
    • billing_company
    • billing_address_1
    • billing_address_2
    • billing_city
    • billing_postcode
    • billing_country
    • billing_state
    • billing_email
    • billing_phone
  • Shipping
    • shipping_first_name
    • shipping_last_name
    • shipping_company
    • shipping_address_1
    • shipping_address_2
    • shipping_city
    • shipping_postcode
    • shipping_country
    • shipping_state
  • Account
    • account_username
    • account_password
    • account_password-2
  • Order
    • order_comments

Each field contains an array of properties:

  • type – type of field (text, textarea, password, select)
  • label – label for the input field
  • placeholder – placeholder for the input
  • class – class for the input
  • required – true or false, whether or not the field is require
  • clear – true or false, applies a clear fix to the field/label
  • label_class – class for the label element
  • options – for select boxes, array of options (key => value pairs)

In specific cases you need to use the woocommerce_default_address_fields filter. This filter is applied to all billing and shipping default fields:

  • country
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • company
  • address_1
  • address_2
  • city
  • state
  • postcode

WooCommerce Database Table  

  1. actionscheduler_actions
    Stores information on actions that will be executed by Action Scheduler.
  2. actionscheduler_claims
  3. actionscheduler_groups
  4. actionscheduler_logs
    Logs Action Scheduler execution.
  5. woocommerce_sessions
    Stores customer session data, such as carts.
  6. woocommerce_api_keys
    Stores API Keys used for the REST API.
  7. woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies
    Stores global attribute taxonomy names for products.
  8. woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions
    Stores product access permissions for downloadable products (granted
    after purchase).
  9. woocommerce_order_items
    Stores line items which are associated with orders.
  10. woocommerce_order_itemmeta
    Stores meta data about order line items.
  11. woocommerce_tax_rates
    Stores tax rates you define in the admin area.
  12. woocommerce_tax_rate_locations
    Stores locations (postcodes and cities) associated with the above tax rates.
  13. woocommerce_shipping_zones
    Stores shipping zones you create in the settings area.
  14. woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations
    Stores locations associated with your shipping zones.
  15. woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods
    Stores shipping methods linked to your shipping zones.
  16. woocommerce_payment_tokens
    Stores customer payment tokens (used by gateways).
  17. woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta
    Stores meta data about payment tokens.
  18. woocommerce_log
    General logging table (alternative to file based logging).
  19. wc_webhooks
    Stores any webhooks that have been setup on the store.
  20. wc_download_log
    Logs user downloads of downloadable products.
  21. wc_product_meta_lookup
    Lookup table that indexes order meta data to speed up requests.
  22. wc_tax_rate_classes
    Stores tax classes data.
  23. wc_reserved_stock
    Stores reserved stock and is used to prevent race conditions during checkout.

WordPress and WooCommerce store orders, products, customer data, and other data like posts and pages:

  1. wp_posts and wp_postmeta store orders and products separated by a custom post type field called ‘orders.’
  2. In wp_posts and wp_postmeta, WordPress keeps much of its data, including pages, posts, menu entries, and more.
  3. Users data are stored in wp_users and wp_usermeta.