
Why Every Freelancer’s Rates Are Different

Why Every Freelancer’s Rates Are Different

Discover why every freelancer’s rates are different and unique in the world of freelance work. Gain insights into MissYano’s perspective on factors such as experience, skillset, market demand, and project complexity, influencing the rates freelancers charge. Understand the dynamics behind pricing and explore how MissYano approaches freelance rates for successful collaborations. 

Freelancers sell different level of services, not products.

You shouldn’t anticipate or demand that they do the same like other freelancers when in reality each client needs and requests are always different. Design would not be unique or even aligned with your brand story. After all, you can always return to your prior freelancer to get the same, right?

Which kind of freelancer will you choose to be working with?

  1. A freelancer that follows what you instruct them to do. This would consume even more of your time to or money if you don’t know design works.
  2. A qualified, experienced freelancer that is knowledgeable in what they do and can provide you solutions.

The amount of resources owned by the freelancers or included in the service.

When freelancers have enough tools to use, it is easy and convenient to work with them. Make sure you know what tool they use when you use their services, like Dropbox allows you to share files easily to your teams / project management software that helps you keep track of your project at your own convenience. View complete list of my resource list

Expertise in their field / familiarity with standard practices.

Because you are utilizing their time and asking them to do services for no charge, experienced freelancers refrain from providing free proposals based on your project or ideas due to their degree of competence and knowledge. Information is power. Similarly, if you demand cheap service, you’ll also receive cheap work.

Quality of work

Professional freelancers would use licensed stock photographs and do not use images from Google Search to avoid copyright issues and keep you out of trouble. Verify if they will be performing the job themselves or if it will be performed by a third party (outsourced).

How detailed is your project brief.

The more details you can include in your project brief, the better the freelancer will be able to understand your needs and expectations. While work is in progress, any additional requests or favors from the client that were not included in the project brief will be billed in a new invoice.

Client who want to use more of freelancer’s time.

The number of additional hours that the client would like the freelancer to set aside for their work like meeting, discussing, testing, researching, and doing favors.

Usage Rights

In case of copyright transfers according to The Code of Fair Practice, only specified rights are transferred. All unspecified rights remain vested with the designer. All transactions shall be in writing. Artwork can only be modified by the copyright holder, unless the Client paid for that right. Commissioned artwork is not to be considered as “work for hire” unless agreed to in writing before work begins. When the price of work is based on limited use and later such work is used more extensively, the designer shall receive additional payment. Art or photography should not be copied for any use, including client presentation or “comping,” without the designer’s prior authorization. If exploratory work, comprehensives, or preliminary photographs from an assignment are subsequently chosen for reproduction, the designer’s permission shall be secured and the artist shall receive fair additional payment.

Credit removal / do not allow freelancer to display work in portfolio.

Example of a situation: If you were about to hire a new freelancer, would you ask to see their previous work? Will you engage the freelancer if their previous client instructed them not to show you their work? Therefore, you are also harming the freelancer’s sales, and a fee will be paid to compensate for the lost revenue. The freelancer’s portfolio would not feature any personal information, but solely the project’s development and work.