Add Webpage


Prices is not inclusive of tax.
Prices for projects are based on the assumption that all materials are prepared and does not include any client-caused delays. 


Guidelines to properly prepare your materials for the page will be provided.

Additional charges apply:

Text supplied to us cannot be picked and copied digitally, or if it is not delivered in the appropriate format such as: —

  • Handwritten notes attached as a photo image.
  • Text-based visuals, pictures, or photos.
  • Text from audio or video files.
  • Files that are flattened, locked, or compiled as images and the text can’t be digitally copied, even if they are in PDF/Word format.
Additional information
Estimate Duration

7-14 days


Fixed-Price Project
Project below RM2,000: 100% payment in advance.
Project above RM2,000: 50% deposit upfront payment, balance upon delivery.

Monthly / Yearly Payment (Subscription)
Only accepts credit/debit cards payment  Mastercard Visa 

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